The Time To Fight Is Now!

Jordan McGowan
4 min readOct 9, 2023


It should be of our people’s greatest concern and interest to witness and learn from the Afrikan and Indigenous Peoples’ fighting for liberation in places such as Niger, Burkina Faso, and Palestine. This global revolution MUST be seen as that. We are witnessing the west’s fall and demise. It is becoming abundantly clear that the west no longer yields the unilateral power that warrants unchecked global obedience. Don’t believe me? Explain away how, in at least 4 distinct regions in the world, we can observe the west getting packed up by the global south. Afrikan and Indigenous Peoples are fighting and we, colonized people inside the u.s., must not only stand with them symbolically, but also get active in the fight against the west and its genocidal reign.

We were told that violence in itself is evil, and that, whatever the cause, it is unjustified morally…By what standard of morality can the violence used by a slave to break his chains be considered the same as the violence of a slave master?

Walter Rodney

How ironic that the weapons freedom fighters would use to liberate Palestine and push out settlers would be from the west and their own corrupt black market dealings? How sweet is the tea? Why do the jokes always write themselves? Some may feel my humor is dark or even crude. Or is it simply violence is only acceptable when the west is the one behind the trigger? Please don’t tell me that ALL violence is unacceptable because then I must ask, why are you so accepting of the violence perpetrated against the Palestinian people for the last 75 years? So accepting of the violence reigned down upon Afrikan and other poor and oppressed peoples inside of the so-called united states? No, we must become critical of the ways in which violence is accepted and rejected; once we take that look it will allow us to see the scope and magnitude of what violence really is and who is responsible for said violence.

The western media will flood the news feed with hysteria and sensationalist propaganda talking about the “terror” being brought by militants; but fails to mention the hundreds of murdered Palestines every year, with the current count being 49 children reported as murdered by IDF forces this year. It fails to mention the abject poverty Afrikan and Indigenous peoples are subjected to survive under kkkolonialism. The horrors and violence our people face domestically and globally have been deemed as acceptable and justified while any form of self-defense is labeled as extreme. But is it extreme, honestly, to resist one’s own extermination? As human beings we have an innate sense and right to defend the lives of ourselves and those we love. Yet when oppressed and colonized peoples stand up to defend themselves, we watch the western world point the finger in condemnation. We must not be swayed from our support of human freedom. We must understand, as those in Palestine, Afrika and South America , it is truly the time to fight against the vicious kkkolonial-imperialist forces in order to bring our collected shared liberation.

Oppressed peoples around the world share a common enemy, an enemy that has proved it possesses no conscience and is willing to commit the most heinous atrocities known to man. Therefore, how can we call for peace among warmongers? You believe those responsible for the destruction of humanity deserve to stay in power? The ruling class elite and those mindlessly following them have committed themselves to the most extreme forms of violence and perpetuate them daily. We must not excuse their violence and make it palatable. The Palestinian Resistance is not only justified but it is righteous. The fight to free the people subjected to the west’s genocide and terror will always be condemned by those seeking to uphold kkkolonial rule.

Do not denounce decolonization as violent and support the status quo of babylon. It is our duty to fight for a decolonized world. We must destroy the evil empires while simultaneously unifying and building a liberated community, zone, region, and world. We must be creating the next generation of liberated peoples through our everyday struggle. I urge those reading this to study our brothers and sisters in the global south and to find a resistance practice they have successfully used to add to our efforts here — for our children’s liberation! The struggle for human rights globally demands that we begin to struggle collectively on the local, regional, national and international front, unifying with other Afrikans and Indigenous Peoples fighting against the west. Our time is now!

The People Will Win!

From The River 2 The Sea The People Will Be Free!



Jordan McGowan

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan