The Boogeyman of Election 2024

Jordan McGowan
6 min readJan 7, 2024


In 2008, young people inside of the amerikkkan empire voted in historic fashion for Barack Obama, and ever since amerikkkan politics have had a strong focus on galvanizing youth and pushing their hope and faith for societal change into electoral politics. As a result of Obama’s symbolic victory for “Black” people in amerikkka in the 2016 election we saw a swing towards ethno-nationalism which gave Trump the 2016 election. I believe the political trend of ethno-nationalism will continue to rise as the empire loses its strength globally, but what took place in 2020 will be the newest political strategy to engage young people in voting while working to pacify and neutralize any real people’s movement.

This 2020 strategy was to create a boogeyman that needed to be defeated to restore the morality of the empire and get things “back to normal”. The 2020 election gave us the narrative that Trump embodied all that was wrong with the empire and defeating trump at the polls would equate to a victory against fascism. But as young people are witnessing the martyrs of Gaza on their social media feeds, facing daily student loans emails and calls, struggling to find affordable housing, healthcare, childcare and food — something appears to be wrong with how the amerikkkan empire is working for them. These young people need someone to blame, and in a world where we love to be able to punish people, I can see how Joe Biden has become the next political enemy.

Much like Trump in 2020, Biden is being villified by the same people who told people to vote for him. Biden has been made out as the single war criminal in the genocide of Palestinian people when the reality is that EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IS GUILTY. And not just are these politicians guilty of genocide against the Palestinian people, but of The Continent of Afrika via the land, the people, and the resources. And it is not just the president who people should be holding accountable, but the entire amerikkkan empire and all its apparatuses. From the White House down to your local government officials, they all serve the empire. And right now given the current geopolitical landscape, we must study what strategies the empire is utilizing to stifle true revolutionary movements.

In Occupied Nisenan Terrority (Sacramento), we can see how the local government is pushing all blame on city manager Howard Chan’s exuberant salary, yet it is the city council who approved Chan’s raise. Just as it was the city council who has approved increasing the military budget for the sac pig department, creating environmental hazards in particular neighborhoods and communities, it is city council proposing and voting on a daytime camping ban; every single one of them is complicit, at the very least as an accomplice to the empire and its war against the people.

The 2020 uprisings opened Pandora’s box in regards to the empire’s latest round of responses to subdue the people; from kkkop cities, to RICOs and extreme identity politics. And the theater that is amerikkkan politics has decided to change the actor playing the antagonist every 4 years. This allows for the system as a whole to escape as salvageable, because you can vote out the war criminal/the racist/the incompetent etc. What we fail to realize is that we cannot have it both ways — Biden cannot be the mastermind and solely responsible for the genocide of Palestinian people if he is also a senile old man. Biden is merely a puppet, an actor of the ruling class; no different than Trump was, no different than Obama was.

Yes, Biden is a war criminal, no different than any other amerikkkan president, government official, military or law enforcement officer. The grifters of the so-called amerikkkan left have begun the narrative of Biden as a war criminal and claiming his support of isntreal will/can lose him votes. This seems eerily familiar to how republicans began to distance themselves from then president trump. As the empire is collapsing in front of everyone’s eyes there needs to be a scapegoat, someone to blame for the lie of amerikkkanism unraveling in front of everyone’s face.

We should be studying political trends, patterns and strategies of the empire to properly understand the terrain we operate within. Check carefully the trend of finger-pointing and blaming not just at the highest levels within the empire but even at your local level. Ask yourself the question: how was anything materially changed for the Afrikan masses inside of the empire between the Trump and Biden administration years? Don’t list how much representation you see within the empire either, tell me how our people are closer to freedom? Tell me how we have made material gains to liberate our political prisoners? Show me the data on how many Afrikan people were permanently housed as a result of a vote.

Again we can see in real life the consequences of our People believing in amerikkkanism. Amantha Van Cleave, a young Afrikan mother, recently lost her one year old daughter Yayra Rutherford, while they slept through the night at a bus stop outside LAX due to being unhoused while LA’s “Black” mayor Karen Bass boosts of how many people she has housed, yet how many of those housed are Afrikan? How come a young Afrikan mother with 2 babies is not high priority? Or is that because Bass continues to play the same tired puppet that the democratic party always needs someone to play to keep the slaves in line? Bass, just like Chan, just like all politicians are simply puppets for the agenda of amerikkka.

Don’t fall for the okie-doke again, Biden is a war criminal and holds responsibility for a number of genocides — but this election season do NOT allow Biden to be made into a sacrifical lamb like y’all did with Trump. Where there is going to be political energy let it be (re)directed towards changing material conditions? We have spent damn near 100 years working on voting and have even voted Afrikans into the empire’s highest ranking seats and yet the masses of Afrikan people, not only within the empire but globally, suffer from the amerikkkan empire in what is tantamount to genocide — no different than what the Palestinian people face. We should be learning from the Palestinian Resistance’s ability to collaborate and coordinate coalitions along different religious, ethnic, and cultural lines. We should be studying the example of the association of Sahel states, unifying to fight a common enemy and working together to build self-determination. The global south is not only willing to fight but they are winning! Malcolm spoke of the “Black Revolution” or the global revolution and this is what is upon us today — look at the world over and you would be hard pressed to not find a group of dark skin indigenous people fighting back against western-european kkkolonialism. We as Afrikans and other oppressed People should be able to recognize the significance of our historical context and realize it is time to make a decision on where you will stand: with empire or actively working against empire. Voting out whichever boogeyman they tell you it is this cycle — is standing with the empire. You would simply like for the empire to operate quieter, more respectable and less messy, but the fact of the matter is the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence was a rapist — no better than R.Kelly or Diddy; but school’s within the empire teach the babies that jefferson is a hero. We MUST understand who WE are, what OUR values are, who OUR enemy is and what THEIR values are. This can give us the insight needed to understand who the real bogeyman is.



Jordan McGowan
Jordan McGowan

Written by Jordan McGowan

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan

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