Member-only story
No Matter Who Won, We Must Resist
Well it appears that the election is all but over and Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. I must admit, I completely missed on my election hypothesis; I thought white supremacy would allow Trump another term. This hypothesis was rooted in political analysis: I truly believed that Trump’s team had several plays leading up to the election, and if I had these political strategies for his victory come across my mind then surely his team would have these same strategies discussed in their war room. I thought of several plays Trump could/would make before the election: drop another stimulus right before the election, utilize his COVID diagnosis to declare martial law and shut the country down and push the election until after he “cured” the pandemic or utilize his COVID diagnosis to drop the vaccine or play up how the only way the country could beat the virus was by following Trump’s lead. What I didn’t predict was that white supremacy would turn on Trump, yes you read that right, Trump was the fall guy.
The actor was just that, an actor that played a role and when the capitalist who actually control America decided that Trump was hurting their agenda he was done. There were some warning signs, but so many people bought into the fantasy of Trump the Boogeyman. The Lincoln Project raised roughly $40 million in the 3rd quarter alone under the guise of “anti-Trump…