Member-only story
Kkkolonial Trauma
Trauma is commonly defined as “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience”; which logically explainswhy all African and Brown Indigenous People inside the kkkolony experience trauma so often, our very existence within this empire is deeply distressing and disturbing. From the violence the state serves us to the intercommunal violence that has plagued our neighborhoods, all of these traumas are caused by our kkkolonized condition. The trauma Africans have been forced to endure since the dawn of european imperialism has created a series of conscious and unconscious thoughts and habits that further aid in our oppression. This kkkolonial trauma has attempted to strip us from our true African identity and regulate us to a subservient class inside the amerikkkan empire., kkkolonizers have attempted to take our indigenous language, yet we created Ebonics, the kkkolonizers told us to abandon our traditions and rituals for their european culture yet croweries in our braided and loc’d hair prove that they can never take the Africa out of us; no matter how much trauma they seek to inflict upon us. As we (Africans and Brown Indigenous People) have experienced cultural terrorism at the hands of the oppressors it is imperative we understand the trauma that comes from this type of warfare; we are experiencing ethnic cleansing.
Would you expect a Palestinian to ever pledge allegiance and wave an isreali flag? No, the reason…