Fascism is as amerikkkan as Cherry Pie

Jordan McGowan
6 min readSep 16, 2023


Violence is a part of America’s culture. It is as American as cherry pie.

- Jamil Al-Amin (aka H. Rap Brown)

The u.s. government and all its subsidiaries, agents and officials, globally and locally, are willfully engaged in a war against the people of the world in order to extract the highest possible profit margins and hold as much absolute power as possible. And as true at the personal level, hurt people hurt people. The u.s. government and its allies are losing their strong hold through the world and they are getting their ass kicked in most of these proxy wars. And as the u.s. empire is attempting to cover the cracks in their house by tightening reins domestically.

Fascism is already here.

- George Jackson

Local police departments all over turtle island (the land referred to as the u.s.) are increasing their military equipment, building kkkop cities and hitting people with trumped up charges, like what we see in Atlanta with the RICO against the folx named in the Defend the Atlanta Forest case. I listened to the Sacramento city council meeting at the beginning of September and I listened to a women practically in tears ask the council why they would allow sac PD to get more military equipment when “you aren’t at war with your citizens” and it broke my heart. Although I do not fault her, this sistahs analysis is all wrong. I mean what facts are we looking at? If we are going to form an analysis it should be based off facts and not just emotions and unproven opinions.

The claim that the government; whether city, county, state or federal, inside of the u.s. empire is not at war with the people does not stand up to any substantial facts in my opinion. For those arguing that the u.s. government is not at war with the people I would suggest you look at the council’s approving vote of AB481 to approve sac PD to purchase military equipment. The police are gaining the necessary equipment for their job as an occupational force. In the council meeting Sac PD showed off their diversity and inclusivity initiative by parading out an asian pig, as well as madam chef herself as presenting officials. Community members begged the council to hold Sac PD accountable andMayor Steinberg made sure to include how he is the Jewish-American mayor and played up his DEI card as well as added some colorful political theater. Twice stopping the moderator to allow people of color to speak about how the Sac PD report “came out too soon before the deadline” and “there was insufficient time to get true community feedback and input” before creating a response report. And despite the mayor’s heroic humanitarian gesture on behalf of his oppressed constituents he still ended up voting to approve the military equipment, so was it truly more than for appearances?

Again we must understand that the u.s.empire is a illegitimate european settler-kkkolony. Thus, all government bodies and actors; no matter how “progressive” they may appear are actually taking an oath to protect and serve a constitution that undergirds this empire. The same empire that is responsible for the genocide of Afrikan and Indigenous peoples worldwide since the dawn of kkkolonialism. If we can begin to see how every decision is political and has material impact we can start to grasp the significance of understanding that the u.s. empire is at war with us — the people.

If you aren’t aware that the u.s. empire is at ware with Afrikans then you use your time and energy to organize around a “progressive Black” candidate, especially in a local election. In Nisenan Territory (Sacramento), Dr. Flo is running for mayor and Dr. Cornel West is running for president of the u.s.empire. This has the conscious Afrikan population is in a political frenzy! The political energy around the petit-bourgeois Afrikan population has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for two campaigns that will make absolutely ZERO difference in our peoples condition as kkkolonized Afrikans inside of the empire.

Supporters of Dr. Flo will champion her track record of success, meanwhile we all watched measure u money be mismanaged by the city and given to the pigs. If you are working for our people then you simply cannot work for the empire! No government official can serve two masters. Who do you niggas think you are Eric Killmonger? Are you an Afrikan Wardawg that none of us know about? Because every time I see an Afrikan become part of the empire’s system I see one of ours lose their soul. So Dr. Flo are going to make sure nobody’s food stamps get cut? are you going to ensure our people have adequate housing? Everyone get healthcare? Mental health? You abolishing prisons and the police? No? Then your campaign isn’t about freedom, it’s about assimilation; which is to believe in our peoples genocide.

Dr. West is NO exception. And we owe it to the people to call out Dr. West and point out our critique of Dr. West and give our rationale for why we held a interview with him. Dr. West running for president is a joke, a tactic on empire’s part to distract, to delegitimize our movement’s true radical ideology, and to sell the illusion of inclusion. His ideas on Israel’s legitimacy is grossly lacking any type of credibility within any Afrikan political ideology and although he has taken “progressive” stances such as opposing Cop City and calling for Mumia’s release he must call him out for his neo-kkkolonialist actions and statements. In March 2022 our team at MXA hosted an interview where we asked Dr. West to speak about the need for independent schools like MXA and why building it in Sacramento’s Oak Park community would hold even more significance given the history of the Black Panther Party’s Sacramento chapter. We felt this interview with Dr. West could be able to establish credibility among the petit-bourgeois Afrikan population with the financial ability to support and sustain MXA so that the members of the community who needed MXA for their children to be free could while possibly we would have middle/upper class Afrikan students who could not only pay tuition but possibly scholarship another student. During the interview Dr. West unprompted stated he would come visit MXA and host a fundraiser for us. Dr. West then did not respond to any of our follow up and when he just recently came to Oak Park to campaign not only did he not connect with us but he raised money and took money out of the neighborhood and city that could have been used to fund programs that will actually serve the Afrikans in the city. Unfortunately, the interview with Dr. West yielded us little monetary success, however it did grant us some credibility amongst the community as Dr. West is still a beloved figure through the city. Nevertheless, we felt the need to address our relationship and sentiment with Dr. West.

And just as we see Dr. West’s campaign pulling resources out of the community on frivolous BS, we must identify Fani Willis utilizing RICO’s to extract resources out of the community as a shared tactic from different empire actors. Empire is tightening the repression and the low-intensity warfare they have been engaged in the past decades is and will continue to intensify and increase. These RICO charges in Atlanta will probably just be just the start to organizers and revolutionaries inside of the empire being hit with these and similar charges. They named “taking care of each other” as part of the RICO, and you think the government isn’t at war with us baby? Who you foolin? The u.s. empire is absolutely at war with the people, and they know it and they are making every decision around that fact. So the real question comes down to what are you willing to do to join the fight?



Jordan McGowan

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan