Black Amerikkka Has A Problem

Jordan McGowan
4 min readApr 6, 2024


At a time when talks of “civil war” grace u.s. mainstream media, it would serve us as Afrikan/Black people inside of amerikkka to understand the politic and psychological warfare being waged on our people here within the empire. It is my earnest opinion that this warfare is being waged primarily through what I’ve written about as the Black Elite, a group of neo-house niggas whose primary job is to keep the rest of the Afrikan/Black population in line by glorifying a life of the best of what amerikkka has to offer. a freedom that can be purchased, and displaying that we can also work for what they have “earned”.

Diddy was a major player in the Black Elite stratosphere, and yet we still see Diddy catching the wrath of the empire’s forces. I am an abolitionist and hate the pigs, but if I’m being honest there was still a little human satisfaction out of fact that diddy is being exposed. But again diddy is a kkkapitalist, and there is no such thing as a good kkkapitalist. It doesn’t matter if he is Afrikan or not, a kkkapitalist is a kkkapitalist and that is an enemy of Our People! But until recently, Diddy had been propped up by the empire, he was given awards and titles and revered by millions of followers on social media. But membership in the Black Elite comes at the cost of your soul. It comes with turning your eyes to all the evils of kkkapitalism and our kkkolonizers because well, the money is worth it.

Is that why can’t you look our people right in their eyes?

These house niggas have been telling us who they are aligning with. And I admit, at one time, I too was naive; but damn yall are we really willfully turning a blind eye to what these people are doing in the world? I personally cannot. I cannot continue to support an artist who I know is ACTIVELY working against our people. This may cause a massive issue but YALL’S QUEEN IS AN OPP! BEYONCÉ IS A HOUSE NIGGA! Her and her unkle ruckus ass husband are HOUSE NIGGAS! And if you have smoke for me please let me hear it because I would love for you to explain to me how she brought so much pride and joy and dignity for Black Womxn, Femmes and non-cis folx through her music that it doesn’t matter that she has historically not paid fair wages and salaries for people in those same communities? Or how her cos-playing the Black Panther Party at the Super Bowl outweighs her draping herself head-to-toe in the bloodiest flag known to human history. Stoically holding the flag of a genocidal-imperialist empire that has been charged with and convicted of GENOCIDE? A flag of a government responsible for the harassment, terror, surveillance, infiltration, sabotage, destruction, framing, murdering and exiling of our people’s movement for freedom? Responsible for the danger and paranoia my family, my komrades, and myself live under daily?

Beyoncé and Jay-Z, just like Diddy (and so many others) are part of the Black Elite class designed to keep our people’s hopes and dreams tied into amerikkka’s continuation. Although any worthwhile study of liberation struggle should indicate to us that there is no way to become free without resisting the forces keeping you from that freedom. surviving kkkolonialism will take resistance, and that means actively working towards the destruction of the amerikkka, not propping up the amerikkkan flag on your new cover art. But again the Black Elite are here to keep the Afrikan/Black masses in line with the plantation’s production plan. And the Black Elite will continue to take many different shapes and positions during the next few years as the u.s. empire fights to hold onto some sense of global power. It will most effectively target hiphop and popular afrikan/Black music; take Beyonce and J.Cole for example. Beyonce went from gettin us in formation to return to the Continent and reminding us that “Black is King ‘’, to proudly supporting amerikkka and isntreal in just a matter of a few years. Early Cole reminded us to embrace our scholar-poets, traditional Afrikan shit right. But new Cole? This nigga sounds like he had Future writing his bars. The substance just seemed missing, and maybe that because the Black Elite are changing their methods of relating to us.

Which could be a reason why we are seeing an influx of Black mayors in major cities; almost always simultaneously timed up with more money for the pigs and genocidal policies. How can policies like Sacramento’s Measure O, Spotshotters in Sacramento and Baltimore, and kkkop cities popping up all over the u.s. empire, be concealed without the protection of these house niggas that will allow our people to keep our focus on fitting in and becoming part of massa’s house and sitting at massa’s table. But again, all of this should be clear evidence that sitting at massa’s table only can bring about your destruction as an Afrikan. You see, no matter what you want to call yourself, how you identify, where you want to live and how you feel about our people — these europeans know EXACTLY who you are: nigga. Ubuntu — I am what I am because of who we all are. So there is no sitting at their table, without losing your soul. And so Black amerikkka has a problem. As the ship that is the u.s. empire begins to rot, the unuseful house niggas will be the first to get thrown overboard — in order to preserve the valuables. Black amerikkka is scrambling to still be relevant and needed by the u.s. empire, because once they are no longer able to keep the masses in check, they are no longer protected and liable to be thrown away. So please take a critical look, because Beyonce was right — Black amerikkka does have a problem.



Jordan McGowan

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan