Abandon the Black amerikan Agenda

Jordan McGowan
5 min readSep 19, 2024


friends like, “What you been on?”

Shit, I’ve been on my grind

I ain’t usually home, focused, I ain’t usin’ phones

Lately, I’ve been usin’ songs to get my point across

While niggas ‘round me lose it all, but that’s your coin to toss

Nip Hussle

For the last few months any time I get a minute to write, my heart has chose to write music. But while I was absent from penning my analysis outside of music, I was also carefully watching empire and reflecting on where we as a movement are, and even deeper where we are as a people. over the last few months I have also taken an extended time to sit with reflections on where our team was at locally, as well as working and struggling to develop what real and practical ideologies and praxis looks like in relation to how we are building with Afrikans within Turtle Island, in the Caribbean and on The Continent. Honestly, this process has been beautiful to watch, and it gives me so much hope in what we as a People can build. I am witnessing the radical imagination of what our liberation will look like; and I must remind you — our victory is written.

I would be remiss however to not address the increased levels of repression and propaganda we see being levied by empire at this moment. These are desperate attempts to pacify the Afrikan and Third World populations within the amerikkkan borders. This is a strategic plan, in tandem with top kkkop Kamala Harris’s campaign for the presidential seat and the “Black amerikan” agenda, to keep the masses away from revolution or at least revolutionary consciousness. A strategic. plan to silence any possible uproar about the planned 80+ kkkop cities all over the empire’s kkkolonial borders, even before the cries from those on the ground can reach the ears of others. This strategic plan to increase the militarization and occupation of space within the jurisdiction of amerikkka by utilizing the pigs as a occupying military force is not even to be left off college campuses, as the University of California has just requested multiple grenade launchers. One could ponder what reason could the university possibly need gernade launchers for? The truth of the matter is that they are for no other objective than to use them against students, particularly after the student encampment struggles. Again this increase in combat intensity is in alignment with the origins of kkkop city’s intention — to prepare local police for urban combat and population control which is framed as “community policing” in a training exchange program with isntrealli occupation forces. See how our struggles are connected?

unfortunately right now, between the material conditions we as a people collectively face and the “Black amerikan” agenda being pushed so heavily through empire’s media, the masses of our people are in a zombie-like state of survival, which works precisely to empire’s favor. as long as empire can keep us bought and invested into their system, the greater chance to keep the peace between the government and the masses of Afrikans subjected to 21st century enslavement. If the Afrikans within the belly of the beast began to struggle together in similar fashions to how we see Afrikan and Third World people struggling collectively against western imperialism and neo-kkkolonialism globally, I think we would see a strong shift in global political hegemony. empire understands how volatile it would be to an already struggling empire to see its colonized Peoples rise up in alignment with the global Afrikan and Third World Revolution taking place. this why the propaganda is increasing!

this is why you seen a news outlet such as. African Stream being named by the State Department as Russian propaganda and shut down by various media platforms; this is why you see trumped up charges on organizers such as the Uhuru 3 and the Black Power Collective cases; it should be recognized that any and all dissent from Afrikans within the amerikkkan empire is going to be framed in a way that will ultimately look to fulfill the goals and objectives of the infamous. COINTELPRO operation. In an effort to achieve The amerikkkan government’s goal to “Prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining RESPECTABILITY, by discrediting them to three separate segments of the community” we are witnessing a McCarthy-esq campaign against any type of dissent in order to establish a passive population within the borders of the empire, as Afrikans and Third World People abroad are standing up in the face of western imperialism and neo-kkkolonialism.

the truth must be made clear: the amerikkkan empire is in desperate need of a patriotic Black amerikan agenda, but this Black amerikan agenda is, has and always will be completely irrelevant, ineffective and incapable of bringing about any material change of the masses of people. Again look no further than the California Legislature Black Caucus blocking reparations bills calling for financial redress for chattel slavery. The same people who champion themselves for Black amerikans, visiting our church services, tabling at community events, asking every day folx to donate to their “worthy cause” of representing our people, are the same ones enabling the government to dump egregious amounts of resources into the police occupying our communities and military personnel occupying and terrorizing other countries around the world. We must be willing to ask and examine: why are we willing to accept being treated like a slave as long as our master looks like us sometimes?

I mean no disrespect to those of us who can’t imagine any other way; no other alternative other than to vote for the lesser of two evils. For those who cannot imagine an alternative, I would simply invite you to look around at how Afrikan people are struggling for self-determination and sovereignty globally in places such as the Sahel, Kenya and Ayiti. I would ask you to look at the work that has been taking place at the Shakur Center on a local level in nisenan territory (Sacramento). I would ask you to look at the work happening throughout all the chapters of CMB. Our people are thinking of ways to fight back, and with that they are at the very least beginning to think about what liberation could look like. I have been blessed to hear from Afrikans from ALL over the globe, and one thing I do know is that there are some serious Afrikans kickin up dust and working their hardest to actively struggle against empire and get us closer to whatever they picture liberation looking like. And I am of the strong belief that once we, as a global people, can find a common theme and land to unify ourselves around, we will defeat Babylon’s armies. Afrika will win. good will triumph over evil. The land will be returned and we will be free!



Jordan McGowan

Afrikan Griot — Music Lover — Former Athlete Turned Coach — Unapologetic — Political Scientist — Afrikan