Member-only story
2021 Neighbor Program Wrap-Up
What you goin’ through isn’t permanent, it’s a transition. — Rexx Life Raj
As I reflect on 2021, I thought it was important to share this letter. This is only one of the ways in which I am trying to hold myself accountable to the People. By addressing where Neighbor Program is, what we have been doing and where we are going; so you can decide how you may want to engage with our program moving forward in 2022. There is a clarity in understanding that “what you goin’ through isn’t permanent, it’s a transition”. We are all growing, evolving and hopefully pushing a line that takes us closer, even if just by a small measure, to Revolution. Because truth be told, the only life worth living on this planet is one pursuing a Revolution. A Revolution of body, mind, and soul.
In January, we officially changed our name and logo. The idea was to decolonize the name of the organization by dropping the euro-kkkolonizer name of Sacramento and instead began referring to the land intentionally as Nisenan Land. Our logo was also changed to reflect our ideological foundation; specifically understanding the Black Panther Party’s 5th point as being the most important of the 10 demands given historical material evidence and current data which indicates how harmful and violent the euro-kkkolonizers school system is towards Afrikan People. The books are colored to honor books that have…